Thursday, April 26

'Po man pea trellis.

This isn't going to be a long post - because frankly, I have the attention span of a goldfish right now.  

But I had to show you my 'po mans pea trellis.

I picked up these bamboo stakes for $1.50 per 6 at my local hardware store.

Then, I shoved a few into the ground vertically, ran a few across horizontally, and tied them off with duct tape.

Quit judging, I didn't have any rope!

As the peas grow, I can simply add more bamboo across!  And at the end of the season, I can easily tuck them away for future use.  Booya!

These bamboo stakes also work perfect to built a bean trellis.  Pepper trellis, too!  

Please forgive the nasty overgrown grass along the edge of the garden.  Our weed eater broke.

On a different note, the potatoes are doing very well in their TRASH CANS.  I mean, it's only April, and look at all that healthy growth!  Sorry for the blur.  Apparently I'm not as good at manual focus as I thought.

The strawberries are also beginning to blossom.  There's nothing I love more than fresh, garden strawberries.

The garlic and shallots are also happy to show their spring faces.

And I officially have a chive bush.  It's enormous, and if you'd like some fresh chives, please feel free to come and snip some off.

Okay, my goldfish attention span is getting the best of me.  Time to go make a list.  Or sweep the floor.  Or switch the laundry.  Or sit and stare at the wall, or something.

Cheers to productivity.


  1. Great idea! I have some of those I got at Big Lots really cheap several years ago. They do last and last, that is, until the pup found them. I stick them in the ground, angle them toward the porch, and they provide support for my morning glories to reach the porch and start up the railings.

  2. i love duct tape pea trellis' at least yours has a flash of color and is aesthetically pretty.
    Mine is a metal rod on one end...and a shower head on a pole on the other with string laced between them... it's hilarious. The grandkids sing into like it's a microphone when we're in the garden-- I get serenaded while I'm weeding!

    your container garden looks wonderful too. Are you adding dirt as your potato plant grows?



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