Tuesday, February 21


There are a handful of things in this world that make me want to wet my pants with fear.  This, is one of them:

And don't ask me why wetting my pants is my response for fear.  It just is.

I kid.  I haven't wet my pants since I was pregnant.

But seriously.  Spiders scary the living daylights out of me.  Especially when they're super fast and active like this 'ol beast.  

I can just hear some readers now:
Shaye, what kind of homesteader are you!  Ain't no homesteader afraid of no spiders!  Buck up, sunshine!  Why don't you just march that sissy 'lil tail of you off to the city, cause us country folks know how to deal with them spiders!

Back off.  I can't help it.

The Lord is speaking to my weakness, you see.  For I love gardening so much - and yet, I hate one of it's greatest advocates: the spider.  As I pull weeds in the heat of summer or rummage around while harvesting strawberries or green beans, I know they are there.  Staring at me with their zillions of eyes.  And I allow them to remain because a) I couldn't get rid of them even if I tried and b) they eat lots of bad bugs.  

In the garden is one thing.  On my terra cotta pot, inside, near my hand, is another.

So, I did the only thing I could.  I opened the window, grabbed the pot and chucked it out in the front yard.  Then, I cried and hid in the closet until Stuart came home.

I guess you could say I keep my cool pretty well.

Hey, we all have our kryptonite.  Mine just has eight legs.

What's yours?!


  1. I hate to admit it but I am afraid of the dark! You'd think I would have outgrown it at age 29, but I haven't. :P The funny thing is it isn't so bad if someone is with me-only about half as bad. Sometimes I just need my 5 year old son to go with me to get where I need to go in the dark!

  2. Roaches (shiver). I think I need to go take a shower just from typing that.

  3. I am scared of spiders too. I picked up a bundle of yarn one day and a spider crawled onto my hand and when I looked down I screamed hysterically and shook my hand hard, not knowing where it went, and then proceeded to quickly evacuate the area. My husband calmly picked the spider up, with his bare hands and put it outside, grinned and said, if you were on a ladder when that happened you would have been on your butt on the ground and then laughed at me... he is a roofer and faces creepy crawlies all the time. Even your occasional scorpion in a bundle of shingles. Ewww! Also mice.. and roaches give me the willies. That's about it. I think.

  4. Oh, Shaydebug...(notice the 'bug' at the end there. Isn't that what we have always called you?? I just always assumed...

    Well, I guess, technically, a spider is not a bug, so it doesn't qualify. Sure glad I didn't hire you when I was 'in the business'! Ok, I'll just say it...'buck up lil' girl! I, too, take the little critters outside when they are not where they are supposed to be. I hope your terra cotta didn't break....love ya!

  5. Hi! I'm new to your blog and I must say that you make me laugh with tears in my eyes. Thanks for your updates, stories, and inspirations!
    - Carly

  6. Well thank goodness that there was a pot, cause for a second I thought it was a LEG!! Arachniphobia runs rampant through the males in my family so thankfully my gender exempts me, except when they try to get on my person, then i scream like a small child.


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