Thursday, September 22

Spiced Lentil Soup with Roasted Tomatoes & Eggplant.

Fall weather brings with it peculiar and warming feelings, don't you think?

The kind of feeling that makes you want to curl up in a blanket and read a book.  

Or finally wear those fuzzy, warm socks you've been avoiding all summer.

Fall weather also brings with it the desire in the deep recesses of my heart... make soup.

In fact, there were two different types of soup on my menu this week.  We began the week with this wonderful roasted tomato & lentil soup.  I think you'll enjoy it.

Especially if you eat it while curled up in a blanket in your favorite, fuzzy socks.  I'm just sayin'...

Spiced Lentil Soup With Roasted Tomatoes & Eggplant
Original Recipe from Nourished Kitchen

You will need:
 - 2 cups lentils
 - Filtered water
 - 2 tablespoons apple cidar vinegar

 - 3 pounds fresh tomatoes
 - 1 pound eggplant
 - 2 tablespoons olive oil

 - 2 tablespoons butter
 - 1 medium onion, minced
 - 3 ribs celery, diced thin
 - 1/2 teaspoon cumin
 - 1/2 teaspoon coriander
 - 1 teaspoon dried mustard
 - 2 bay leaves
 - 2 quarts chicken stock aka liquid gold, baby
 - 1 bunch kale, roughly chopped
 - Sea salt & pepper, to taste

Step One:  Cover your lentils with enough filtered water to completely submerge them, then stir in the vinegar and allow the lentils to soak 8-12 hours.  

Step Two:  Cut the tomatoes and eggplants into large cubes.  Then, toss them with the olive oil and arrange them on a baking sheet.  Bake them in a 425 degree oven for 30-45 minutes, or until the tomatoes are getting slightly caramelized.  Mmm....

Step Three:  While the tomatoes and eggplants are roasting, melt your butter in a large soup pot.  Then, stir in your minced onion and celery.  Gently cook until softened, maybe 10 minutes or so.  Once the onion and celery are tender, mix in the cumin, coriander, dried mustard, and bay leaves.  Please excuse the fact the this photo doesn't include the celery.  Whoops.  Looks like someone can't follow directions very well...

Step Three:  Pour in your delicious chicken stock, that is chuck full of minerally goodness...

Step Four:  Then, add in your lentils.  Cover, and allow the soup to simmer for 20 minutes or so, until the lentils are tender.

Step Five:  After simmering, add in your roasted tomatoes & eggplants.  Allow the soup to hang out for a little bit so the flavors can meet.  Roasted tomato, meet coriander.  Eggplant, meet mustard.

Step Six:  Right before serving, remove the bay leaves, and season with sea salt and freshly ground pepper.  Then, gently mix in your kale and allow it to wilt.

Step Seven:  Serve with a crusty bread, a delicious side salad, and an extra lovely drizzle of olive oil.

Doesn't that look delicious?!

I'm very thankful I happened upon this recipe, as I am ever eager to add to my growing collection of seasonal soups.  And even though my husband isn't crazy about lentils, he still humored me, and happily (?) ate this wonderful soup for dinner. Though he kept asking me where his steak was...

I tried to tell him that lentils are rich in folate.

But because they are bean-like in nature, even the poor lentil remains on his hit-list.

I must say though, I am blessed with a wonderful man who can eat a vegetarian lentil soup for dinner and be satisfied (even without a steak...).  And for that I am thankful.

Because soups + me + fall weather = true love.

Now, if you'll excuse me....I must go dig my fuzzy socks out of my dresser.  My feet are freezing!

Ah yes.  Fall, sweet fall.  

I'm ready to savor this season!  Starting with soup.



  1. I've made chili and a wonderful Mexican soup called posole. It's so good! And super easy. Let me know if you'd like the recipe. I'm hoping that if I make some soup it will begin to encourage the cooler temps to come: /. I'm in western Idaho and we are still getting in the 90's this week:( I love love love your blog!

  2. This looks so terrific! So yummy, healthy, and frugal! I've got a bunch of eggplant I wanted to use up and was wondering if I could use it in soup. I think I'll be trying this one out! Thank you so much!
    Am I right in assuming you use green/brown lentils?

  3. What a great recipe! I have a ton of tomatoes from the garden and it is finally turning into fall here where I can eat a bunch of soup. Thanks for sharing! I am following from Pennywise Platter Thursday. I would love for you to visit my blog:


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